CLAIR News December 2022

We ask that everybody continues to thoroughly observe basic infection prevention measures such as avoiding the “Mittsu no mitsu” or “three Cs” (Closed spaces, with poor ventilation; Crowded places, with many people nearby; and Close-contact settings, such as close-range conversations), as well as maintaining social distancing, the wearing of masks, and good hand hygiene.
In order to prevent the resurgence of infection, we should observe these measures during any travel which crosses prefectural borders, and act to avoid the same situations in the workplace.
For further information, please refer to the national and local governments’ official websites.
Cabinet Secretariat website:
The latest information about guidelines for use of masks is available online from the Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare (URL below):
Fourth shots of legacy vaccines are being carried out between May 25 2022 and March 31 2023 for those people who have had three shots (or equivalent) and three months have passed since their last shot.
Moreover, autumn 2022 start vaccines (adapted for the omicron strain) are being carried out from September 20 2022 to March 31 2023. Those for whom a certain period has passed since their first initial two shots (or equivalent) are eligible, regardless of whether or not they have received a third or fourth booster shot.
Please note that if you have received your first two shots overseas before moving to Japan, or if you have moved to a different municipality within Japan since receiving your first two shots, you may need to apply to your municipality to receive your paperwork for the booster shot(s). Please contact your local municipality for more information.
Those who receive a shot of the new autumn 2022 start vaccines are ineligible to have the third or fourth booster shot.
For details, please visit the following webpages from the Japanese government and local municipalities:
Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare
CLAIR requests that each JET Programme participant register for the Safety Confirmation System (Emergency Call) and Contact Information Survey. These are two separate systems. Please register to both using the links below.
Safety Confirmation System: or Your login ID and password are both the final nine numbers of your JET Number, omitting the first two digits (20).
* If your contracting organisation has changed, please register your new address.
Contact Information Survey:
Login ID: JET Number (11 digits beginning with 20)
Password: Date of birth (YYYYMMDD)
*For JET Programme participants who were originally scheduled to arrive in Japan in 2020 or 2021 please use your pre-arrival JET number that starts with 2020 or 2021.
* If your contracting organisation has changed, please register your new address.
Emergency Pocket Guide for JETs
To ensure your safety in Japan, please take the opportunity to ensure that you are prepared in case a disaster occurs. CLAIR has compiled an Emergency Pocket Guide for reference in the event of a disaster. Please keep it with you at all times. Please ensure that you fill out the important parts and keep it with you in case of a disaster. *CLAIR distributes the Emergency Pocket Guide during orientation for new arrivals.
In the event of a disaster CLAIR will confirm the safety of JET Programme participants using the Safety Confirmation System (Emergency Call). It only takes a few moments to confirm your safety via the email you receive. Please make sure you respond regarding your safety situation when a safety confirmation email arrives, as it otherwise takes time for Host Prefectures/Designated Cities to confirm the safety of each individual JET Programme participant in the affected area(s).
In any given year in Japan, there will be somewhere which has had an emergency warning issued. The country is also prone to large earthquakes. At the moment Japan is entering a period of increased chance for emergency warnings to be issued as a result of heavy rain and typhoons. Because of this, we are asking JET Programme participants and supervisors at each contracting organisation to confirm information registered with the Safety Confirmation System and to check how to respond to a safety confirmation request should an email arrive.
Once again, if you receive a safety confirmation request email, please respond to it right away. Safety Confirmation requests are sent out based on Host Prefecture/Designated City, so participants may receive safety confirmation requests even when they are not physically near the site of a disaster. In this case, a response is still required from each individual to whom the request is sent.
With the aim of enhancing mental health support for JET Programme participants, CLAIR offers the JET Programme Mental Health Counselling Assistance Programme. This programme provides a partial subsidy (50%, up to 30,000 yen per year) for counselling costs incurred through consultation with mental health professionals not covered by health insurance.
The coverage period for this year is from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023. The application form must arrive at CLAIR by 7 April 2023 (Fri).
Please submit your paperwork as soon as possible if you are finishing JET and leaving Japan in July or August.
JET Programme participants can also receive free counselling offered by CLAIR via Web Mail and Skype. If you wish to use these services, please access them using the URLs below, input the ID/password, and follow the instructions for registration. Up to 7 Skype sessions are available between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. We recommend starting with web mail, which has no limits on usage.
Web Mail and Skype Counselling
Login Information:
Username: jet
(Please see the CLAIR News email for the password)
As a part of the career assistance that we offer to JET participants who are in their final year of employment on the JET Programme, we are holding the Career Vision Web Seminar online via Zoom on 28 January 2023. In this seminar, learn about the job market with the help of a professional career counsilor and former JET Programme participants. The seminar includes advice on writing your CV and preparing for interview.
JETs in their final year of appointment are eligible to join this seminar. 25 places only are available for each version of the seminar (English/Japanese). Participation is free and on a first-come, first-served basis, so please apply as soon as possible.
Apply below, or for more details, please see here:
Following application, those who have been accepted to attend will be contacted with further details.
Career Vision Web Seminar (Japanese): 28 Jan 2023 (Sat), 12:00 – 14:30
Career Vision Web Seminar (English): 28 January 2023 (Sat), 15:00 – 17:30
How to Join the Seminar:
Online via Zoom
Apply to Join Here:
CLAIR will be hosting the 2023 After JET Conference (online 2/18-19) and JET Programme Career Fairs (Tokyo 2/26, Osaka 3/4) for JET Programme participants completing their appointment on the Programme in 2023. Your contracting organisation has been informed about these events, so please speak to your supervisor or check the URLs below for more information.
The application form will also be sent to JET Programme participants directly in due course.
After JET Conference Website:
Career Fairs Website:
Frequently Asked Questions can be found at the URL below:
For other enquiries, please contact CLAIR at
CLAIR currently offers a grant for JET Programme participants who pass N1, N2, or N3 of the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test.
The second Japanese Language Proficiency Test for 2022 was held on Sunday, 4 December. Results for the test will be sent in early February.
The grant application form for those who pass the N1, N2, or N3 levels is available at the link below. Applications must be RECEIVED by CLAIR by Friday, 24 February. Please read the JLPT Grant Overview carefully before applying.
CLAIR provides partial grants, approved once per year, to selected current JET Programme participants who wish to improve their English teaching skills by obtaining online certification for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) / Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
The deadline to submit a Course Completion Report for those approved for the 2022-2023 grant (notified in June) is Friday, 24 February 2023 (received-by date). As it may take some time to receive a certificate of course completion from your course provider, please allow time to receive all necessary documents prior to the submission deadline. If you need to check your approved course or have lost your Course Completion Report, please email CLAIR at The grant overview and guidelines are available at the link below.
Those interested in applying for the 2023-2024 grant should check CLAIR News and the following page for more information in April 2023. All approved courses must be started after receiving grant approval for that fiscal year.
CLAIR is currently looking for current and former JETs who would like to post a short passage about their JET Programme experience onto the official JET Programme website (examples are available in the link below).
Your testimonial could help promote the JET Programme and help prospective applicants gain an understanding of whether the programme would be right for them.
If you are interested in writing a testimonial, please send your submission along with any relevant images to CLAIR at Please note that submissions should be of a similar size to those currently featured on the website, submitted in either English or Japanese and also ideally feature images to illustrate the testimonial.
Please note that depending on the number of submissions and suitability of content, not all submissions may be able to be featured on the website.
It is possible to apply for online Japanese Language Courses. Please check the Japanese Language Course Guide on the official JET Programme Website, and apply through the Contact Information Survey page. Please consult the Japanese Language Course Guide available at the above link to get the most up-to-date information.
Participants who apply before the 10th of any odd-numbered month (e.g. March, May, July) will be able to start their course on the 1st of the following even-numbered month (e.g. April, June, August). Once your course has started, please remember to plan your study schedule ahead of time.
All JET Programme participants are strongly advised to register with their home country’s embassy or local consulate, and/or through your embassy run travel registration scheme while living in Japan, as your embassy may be able to help you and your relatives obtain necessary information and check on each other’s safety in times of emergency. Please check the website of your home country’s embassy or local consulate for more details:
JET Programme participants finishing their appointments and returning to their home countries may be eligible to receive a pension refund (lump-sum withdrawal payment). For more information, please refer to page 169~175 of the 2022 edition of the General Information Handbook (GIH).
Information is also available in English and Japanese on the following website: (English) (Japanese)
Is your house or apartment covered by property insurance (kasai hoken)? If you do not know, please check with your contracting organisation supervisor.
There have been several cases where JET participants were forced to pay for the damages to not only their own, but also their neighbours’housing when there were water leaks or other problems (if a water leak occurs, damage to the property of neighbours is covered by the JET Accident Insurance Policy Liability Endorsement, but damage to your own property as well as damage to the structure or building can only be covered by property insurance). Whether or not to purchase property insurance is the choice of the JET participant. However, if you are liable for damages, the costs can be very high. Therefore CLAIR recommends that JET participants enroll in property insurance.
The time for reappointment procedures will begin soon (or has already begun for some participants). Please talk with friends, family, etc. and consult with your supervisor before making your decision. Changes cannot be made to reappointment decisions after the submission deadline.
All JET participants should receive documentation regarding the reappointment procedures from their contracting organisations. Please read the documents carefully and consult with your supervisor if you have any questions. The reappointment documents will also be made accessible on the JET Programme website after the official notice to contracting organisations. Please refer to the links below.
More information about reappointment can be found in the GIH (pg. 62-67). Please note that the content of the GIH may differ from the reappointment documents provided by your contracting organisation. In that case, please prioritise the content in the documents provided by your contracting organisation.
(Password: See the email version of CLAIR News)