JET Programme Terms of Use Regarding the Personal Information of Participants
1. Terms of Use
Information provided on the enclosed form will be used in: (1) The management of the CLAIR JET Programme participant database; (2) Mailing information to you regarding CLAIR publications, training sessions and orientations; (3) Preparation of participants lists sent yearly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Japanese embassies and consulates in participant countries; (4) Management of the CLAIR Japanese language courses; (5) The organisation of CLAIR orientations and training seminars; (6) Provision of JET Programme Accident Insurance; (7) Arrangement of travel expenses for CLAIR business trips; (8) Sharing of information between CLAIR, CLAIR overseas offices, and Contracting Organisations; (9) Response to emergencies involving JET Programme participants such as disasters, accidents, missing persons, or other life threatening situations; (10) Conducting surveys of JET Programme participants; (11) Preparation of participants lists; and (12) Requests for assistance with JET Programme related activities.
2. Information Provision
Information provided on the enclosed form will be shared with the organisations listed below. No JET Programme participant information will be given to any third party not related to the JET Programme. (1) Outsourced distributors of CLAIR publications and materials; (2) JET Programme Participants List (distributed to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Japanese embassies and consulates in participant countries, embassies of participant countries in Japan, the British Council (UK participants); (3) the USA Internal Revenue Service (information necessary for tax purposes for USA participants only); (4) For the various training seminars and orientations, information required in determining
participation and/or arranging accommodation, to the parties involved; (5) JET Programme Accident Insurance (Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd. and its agents); and (6) The joint sponsor of the JET Programme Japanese Language Course (JIAM – Japan Intercultural Academy of Municipalities) and companies which are entrusted with the management of the courses.
3. Note
Failure of participants to complete the enclosed form will result in not only slow or unsuccessful delivery of CLAIR publications and information about training seminars, but could also negatively affect the smooth operation and implementation of the JET Programme as a whole.
If we receive notice from a participant that they do not wish to have their information recorded, we will honour this request; however this will be disadvantageous for the participant themselves as well as detrimental to the running of the JET Programme.
For this reason we strongly ask for participants’ cooperation in providing the requested information. In the event that a participant refuses to provide their information, CLAIR assumes no responsibility for any resulting complications or problems the participant may experience.
4. Other
(1) A copy of these Terms of Service can be found on the JET Programme homepage at www.jetprogramme.org. (2) Regarding nationality and gender, if these details are not filled in on this form, CLAIR will take the liberty to cross reference and record these details from the participant’s original JET Programme application. (3) Some details collected in this form, i.e. home address and postcode, home phone number and email address, will not be included on the JET participant list. (4) However, in the case of accidents, natural disasters, missing persons or other life threatening emergencies, please note that we may offer your personal details to the organisations listed in “2. Information Provision” above.
5. Regarding compliance with GDPR for residents of the EEA
Information regarding the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 can be found here.
6. Contact
Questions and comments should be directed to:
Training and Counselling Division
Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
TEL 03-5213-1728