ALT/CIR/SEA Conference
ALT Skill Development Conferences (SDCs) are held in each prefecture between August and February each year for one to five days. The content is decided at the prefectural level based on guidelines set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).
Two of the main goals of the ALT Skill Development Conferences are to facilitate communication between ALT and JTLs and to improve the quality of team teaching. These conferences are a valuable opportunity for ALTs and JTLs to attend workshops together and openly share their opinions with each other.
Each year, CLAIR staff members attend a number of ALT Skill Development Conferences across to the country to give presentations as well as observe and offer their feedback. They also are available to speak with and answer questions from JET Programme participants.
For more information about the schedule and content of the ALT Skill Development Conference in your prefecture, please contact your Prefectural Advisor (PA).
Click here to access the 2021-2022 SDC CLAIR presentation. (Please ask your contracting organisation for the password.)
The CIR Mid-Year Conference is a two to three-day conference held each autumn for CIRs. Participation in the conference is mandatory for first, second, and third-year CIRs and is optional for fourth-year CIRs and above.
The CIR Mid-Year Conference is aimed at providing practical work-related skills and information that will help CIRs in their everyday jobs. This information is provided through a combination of workshops and seminars by both business professionals and veteran CIRs.
The SEA Mid-Year Conference is a two-day conference held every year during the autumn/winter period for all SEAs. Participation in the conference is mandatory.
The SEA Mid-Year Conference is aimed at providing practical work-related skills and information that will help SEAs in their everyday jobs. This information is provided through a combination of discussion-based workshops and seminars by sports professionals.