JET Programme Accident Insurance – Filing a Claim
1 Necessary Claim Documents
【Claim for medical expenses, residual disability or rescue expenses】
1)Overseas Travel Insurance Claim Form (Tokio Marine Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd)
2 Claim Procedure for a sickness or injury happening within Japan
1)The JET participant pays for the 30% medical expenses not covered the Social (Health) Insurance (keep all receipts).
2)The JET participant or his/her supervisor should promptly (within 30 days) contact the insurance company to report the date, time, place, cause, and symptoms of the injury or sickness, and the name of the treating hospital or clinic, to the insurance company. Please note that delays in notification may result in a claim becoming ineligible for payment.
3)The insurance company will make a record of the details and explain how to make a claim for payment. The JET participant should submit all necessary documents.
4)After the complete claim application is submitted, the claim will be investigated and, barring any issues, the insurance benefits will be remitted to the designated bank account.
3 Claim procedure for a sickness or injury happening abroad (emergency procedures)
1)The JET participant must pay all of the medical fees him/herself and keep all the receipts or doctor’s notes. There is no money advance system.
2)A claim must be made through the Social (Health) Insurance first. Contact your municipal Social (Health) Insurane office for instructions on how to do so.
3)After making the claim to Social (Health) Insurance, contact the insurance company to claim the portion of the costs not covered by Social (Health) Insurance. Receipts of the medical fees are needed when applying for reimbursement of medical expenses. In case the original receipts were needed to claim the payment back to the Social (Health) Insurance, please keep copies of those receipts. You may need to provide a proof of reimbursement from the Social (Health) Insurance.
4)After the complete claim application is submitted, the claim will be investigated and, barring any issues, the insurance benefits will be remitted to the designated bank account.

*CLAIR provides this outline for guidance, but all matters regarding the claim, including information on additional and supporting documentation to include with a claim, must be made directly to the insurance company.
For more information about the JET Program Accident Insurance, please refer to the pages below.