CLAIR has created English versions of the Teacher’s Guides for the “Let’s Try! 1 & 2” and “We Can! 1 & 2” textbooks for JET Participants to use.
Login Password: Please ask your contracting organization.
JET participants completing their appointment on the JET Programme in 2019 are eligible to attend the 2019 After JET Conference (AJC) held on Thursday, 28 February 2019 at the Tokyo Bay Makuhari Hall.
For JET participants interested in working in Japan after JET, career fairs will be held in Fukuoka City on 3 February, Osaka City on 17 February, and the Greater Tokyo Area (Chiba City) on 1 March. Each location will feature more exhibitors than any previous JET career fair in its region. The registration deadline for the After JET Conference and Greater Tokyo Career Fair has been extended to 3 February. Please see the link below. If you will not recontract in 2019 and wish to participate in the Fukuoka or Osaka Career Fairs, please contact us directly at afterjet@clair.or.jp or come directly to the event.
2019 Greater Tokyo Career Fair/After JET Conference Registration: www.surveymonkey.com/r/WCFBQDP
2019 Career Fairs Website: job-haku.com/afterjet/en/
One of the National Summit of Local Town Revitalization’s largest events will be held in Shibuya, Tokyo on Sunday, 24 February 2019. This event is ideal for those who have an interest in life in Japan outside of large cities. Please see the URL below for more information.
CLAIR requests each JET participant register for the Safety Confirmation System (Emergency Call) and Contact Information Survey. Please register using the links below. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your supervisor.
Safety Confirmation System: asp2.emc-call.jp/clair/
Your login ID and password are both the final nine numbers of your JET Number, omitting the first two digits (20).
Contact Information Survey: goo.gl/u1gVT2
Login ID: JET Number (11 digits beginning with 20)
Password: Date of birth (YYYYMMDD)
With the aim of enhancing mental health support for JET participants, CLAIR offers the JET Programme Mental Health Counseling Assistance Programme. This programme provides a partial subsidy (50%, up to 20,000 yen per year) for counselling costs incurred through consultation with mental health professionals in Japan not covered by health insurance. The coverage period for this year is from Sunday, 1 April 2018 to Sunday, 31 March 2019. The application form can be submitted through your contracting organisation.
CLAIR also offers a free online counseling service to provide JET participants with mental health assistance from professional counsellors using Web Mail and Skype. If you would like to use this service, please access the following website. After entering the password, you will be instructed to register. You can receive up to seven Skype Counseling sessions from 1 July 2018 to 31 March 2019. CLAIR recommends trying the Web Mail Counseling system first. There is no limit to the number of threads you can start in the Web Mail Counseling system.
Web Mail Counselling
Login Password: Please ask your contracting organization.
English: www.kokoro-soudan.net/en/
Japanese: www.kokoro-soudan.net/
Skype Counselling
Login Password: Please ask your contracting organization.
English: www.fismec.co.jp/hiroba/en/secure
Japanese: www.fismec.co.jp/hiroba/secure
Registration for Japanese language courses is still possible after the deadline for a course has passed. Please check the course guide before registering via the online Contact Information Survey for JET Participants (link in first section). Participants who apply before Sunday, 10 February will be able to start their course on Friday, 1 March. For those whose courses have already started, please remember to plan your study schedule ahead of time.
CLAIR and The Yomiuri Shimbun have launched a periodical column in The Japan News, a globally-circulated English language newspaper. ‘JET Programme Voices’ is a collection of articles submitted by current and former JET participants to give a worldwide audience insight into the unique experiences and achievements of participants during their time on the Programme. Instructions regarding the submission of documents are accessible from the link below.
For JET participants who arrived in April, it is almost time to extend your period of stay, so please check the dates written on your Residence Card (especially JET participants in their third year who will be reappointed for another term). For information on extending your Period of Stay or changing your Status of Residence, please refer to page 69 of the General Information Handbook (GIH).
The grant application period for the second test date (conducted on Sunday, 2 December 2018) will begin in early February 2019. The Grant Application Form can be downloaded from the URL below.
The grant application period for the second test date (conducted on Sunday, 2 December 2018) will begin in early February 2019. The Grant Application Form can be downloaded from the URL below.
The Rugby World Cup is coming to Japan in 2019! Tickets are available via the website below.
For more information about the Rugby World Cup teams and schedules, please click on the following link:
This article was composed based on a promotion request from the Rugby World Cup 2019 Organising Committee.