About the JET Programme Video Contest 2017
Created as part of the JET Programme 30th anniversary commemorations, the JET Programme Video Contest was first held from October 2015 to August 2016 to showcase the hidden charms of Japan’s local communities as seen through the eyes of current and former JET participants. It resonated with the JET community and garnered 107 submissions over the ‘Spring/Summer’ and ‘Fall/Winter’ periods. As a result of this success, we held the contest again in 2017 to continue promoting communities that utilise the JET Programme.
In 2017, 38 videos were submitted by current and former participants from 11 countries, representing 26 Japanese locales. The videos were judged by a panel of experts on 14 February, 2018, and eight award winners were chosen. The award-winning videos are shown below.
Ie: Beyond the Shoreline
Daeyna Jackson (Okinawa Prefecture) Jamaica
青森で暮らすということは (Life in Aomori)
Sooyoung Park (Aomori Prefecture) South Korea
Izu is Beautiful
Dana Nyberg (Shizuoka Prefecture) USA
Elayna Snyder (Ehime Prefecture) USA
私が過ごした江戸川区の夏 (My Summer in Edogawa Ward)
Rebecca Smith (Tokyo) USA
Kaminoyama’s Kasedori Festival
Giuseppe Di Martino (Yamagata Prefecture) USA
“A New Me” In Sendai-Shi
Roley Leyson (Sendai City) Canada
富岡駅、再び。 (Tomioka Station, Once Again)
Quanyi Xu (Fukushima Prefecture) China