It is necessary to check the residence status of any JET participant in Japan carefully, in order to avoid any risk of illegal employment. Should a JET participant plan to remain in Japan even one day longer than the original period of stay mandated by their existing residence card, he or she must apply for an extension of the valid period of their residence card.
In addition, if the participant is to engage in activities other than those permitted by their status of residence, they must apply for a change in residence status.
The residence status types of JET participants are as follows.
1) Assistant Language Teachers (ALT) (91%)
Kyoiku (Instructor)
2) Coordinator for International Relations (CIR) (9%)
Gijutsu /Jinbunchishiki /Kokusaigyomu (Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services)
3) Sports Educational Assistants (SEA, <1%)
Gino (Skilled Labor)
Please visit the following webpage for details of other types of residence status.
Any residence applicantion must be made directly by the person applying for residence. As the employer, however, you will be required to provide the documentation listed below to the relevant Immigration Bureau office.
Finally, even if the participant’s residence status and period of stay are valid, the participant must submit notice to the regional Immigration Bureau of Japan.
1. Application for change of status of residence (to be completed by the associated organisation)
2. Photocopy of employment contract
3. Photocopies of the company registry certificate (shogyo hojin tokibo tohon) and financial statements (profit and loss statement)
4. Company outline (e.g. company brochure)
5. Statement of reasons for employment (written by the company; submission is voluntary)
6. Certified copy of the legal record total table (hotei chosho gokei hyo) for e.g. certificate of income and withholding tax (gensen choshu hyo); this copy should be marked with the official seal of the relevant tax office. If only digital copies are available, a copy of the email to which the relevant digital file(s) were attached should also be provided.
Note: Please check with your local Immigration Bureau office regarding necessary documentation.
In general, it takes around 2 months for an application to be screened (the Immigration Bureau refers to a “standard processing period” of 1-3 months). As such, if an applicant is scheduled to begin working from September onwards, the application should be submitted in July at the latest.
*Contact the centre below with any enquiries about residence status
Immigration Information Centre
Tel: 0570-013904 (dial 03-5796-7112 from IP, PHS, overseas)
Open weekdays, 8:30-17:15
URL: http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/info/
Mail: info-tokyo@immi-moj.go.jp
- Information for Companies Part 1:JET Programme Framework / Performance / Participating Countries
- Information for Companies Part 2:Residence Status
- Information for Companies Part 3:Career Fairs and Internship Q&A
- Information for Companies Part 4:Satisfaction among Companies taking part last year
- Information for Companies Part 5:JET Alumni Working in Japan