- Friday August 18th, 2023 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 “JET Experiences”, a video showcasing three JETs and their roles on the JET Programme.
- Tuesday April 17th, 2018 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 Post-Arrival Orientation Held from 8-11 April
- Friday April 7th, 2017 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 Deadline for JET Programme Video Contest 2017 Approaching (Thu., 30 November)
- Friday March 24th, 2017 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 JET Programme 30th Anniversary Page Now Available
- Wednesday November 16th, 2016 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 JET Programme 30th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremony
- Monday October 3rd, 2016 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs CLAIR’s First Full-Scale JET Internship Programme Comes to a Close
- Thursday April 14th, 2016 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 Notice about the JET Programme Video Contest (Spring/Summer Edition)
- Friday March 18th, 2016 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 JET Programme Alumni Satogaeri Project
- Monday January 25th, 2016 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 5 Years On From the Great East Japan Earthquake ~ Experiences of JET Participants
- Friday September 4th, 2015 ASPIRING JETsFORMER JETsCurrent JETs自治体・任用団体 The JET Programme now has a revamped website!