CLAIR News September 2017

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CLAIR News September 2017

Mental Health Support Resources

With the aim of enhancing mental health support for JET participants, CLAIR offers the JET Programme Mental Health Counselling Assistance Programme. This programme provides a partial subsidy (50%, up to 20,000 yen per year) for counselling costs incurred through consultation with mental health professionals in Japan not covered by health insurance. The coverage period for this year is from Saturday, 1 April 2017 to Saturday, 31 March 2018. The application form can be submitted through your contracting organisation. Please note that the application form has changed as of April.

CLAIR also offers a free online service to provide JET participants with mental health assistance from professional counsellors using Web Mail and Skype. Please ask your contracting organisation for further information.

Registration of Contact Information for JETs

Please make sure to access the link below and register your contact information, including the name of your main workplace and your personal e-mail address. In case of changes, you can modify your contact information via the same website. Please ask your contracting organisation supervisor to obtain your ID and password.

Help Us Improve CLAIR’s After JET Career Support!

In order to strengthen our career support initiatives for JET Programme participants leaving the Programme, we are currently conducting an online survey for all JET participants. Please take a few minutes to submit your answers if you have not done so yet.

CIR Mid-Year Conference

The CIR Mid-Year Conference will take place from Monday, 27 November to Wednesday, 29 November. We are looking for CIRs to showcase examples of their work at the conference. For more information, please ask your contracting organisation supervisor.

Japanese Language Courses (Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced)

Registration is still possible after the deadline for a course has passed. Please check the course guide before registering via the online Contact Information Survey for JET Participants. Participants who apply before Tuesday, 10 October will be able to start their course on Wednesday, 1 November. For those whose courses have already started, please remember to plan your study schedule ahead of time.

Emergency Pocket Guide for JETs

In Japan, 1 September is Disaster Prevention Day, and is a good opportunity to make yourself aware of and engage in disaster preparedness. CLAIR has compiled an Emergency Pocket Guide for reference in the event of a disaster. Please download it from the JET Programme website and keep it with you at all times.

Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) Grant

For JET Programme participants who have passed the JLPT N3 conducted on Sunday, 2 July 2017, you may be eligible to receive a grant for the test fee. To check your eligibility, please read the Grant Overview and Eligibility Flowchart, accessible from the link below. If you meet the conditions, please submit your grant application directly to CLAIR. It must arrive by Tuesday, 31 October 2017.

Now Accepting Applications for the JET Programme Video Contest 2017

CLAIR is now accepting submissions for the JET Programme Video Contest 2017.
Videos must be approximately three minutes in length, and must showcase the charm of Japan’s local regions as seen by JET participants.

The deadline is Thursday, 30 November 2017.

You can apply via the link below.

Copyright 2015 by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)