
Welcome to the JET Programme
The Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme is administered through the collaboration of Japan’s local government authorities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR).
Aiming primarily to promote grassroots internationalisation at the local level, the JET Programme invites college graduates from around the world to participate in internationalisation initiatives and be involved in foreign language education at Japan’s local government offices, boards of education, elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools. The JET Programme has received high acclaim both domestically and overseas for being one of the world’s largest international exchange programmes. We hope that all people involved in the JET Programme, including participants and the local people with whom they live and work, will build an international network and become successful in today’s global society.
The JET Programme has grown significantly since its start in 1987, with the number of participating countries in the JET Programme growing from four to 51, and the number of participants from 848 to 5,861. More than 79,000 people from 80 countries have participated in the JET Programme through its years (see graph below).
Currently, approximately 1,000 local public organisations (contracting organisations), including 46 prefectures and 18 designated cities employ JET Programme participants. The specific work activities of JET Programme participants are independently decided by each prefectural governor or city/town mayor. Although the organisations involved in the JET Programme are primarily local government authorities, JET Programme participants may also be placed in private schools when there is a request.
Through the international exchange activities of its participants, the JET Programme strives to make a continued contribution to the revitalisation of local communities throughout Japan.