Emergency Support

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Important: Do you know what to do in the event of an earthquake?
In case of an emergency, be prepared before it happens.
CLAIR strives to promote safety in the event of earthquakes and other disasters during participation on the JET Programme. As such, we highly recommend both aspiring and current JET Programme participants review the information below in addition to discussing earthquake and disaster safety with your contracting organisation.
Useful Apps and Websites for Emergency Situations
Please review the following information carefully.


Emergency Contact Details

In most cases should there be an emergency, JET Programme participants and their families or friends in their home countries would contact each other directly. However, if this is impossible, calls for a JET Programme participant may come directly to a JET Programme participant’s contracting organisation. Therefore, it is necessary for the JET Programme participant to provide the contracting organisation with a contact telephone number if the JET Programme participant is away from the office for a long period of time. Contracting organisations usually do this with their other staff too in case a work problem arises. JET Programme participants will no doubt be treated in the same way. To safe guard against emergency situations, CLAIR strongly advises contracting organisations to have contact details for you. If you are surprised at their insistence that you provide a contact, please keep in mind that your contracting organisation is not trying to pry into your private time but rather to prepare for any unforeseen events. Supervisors should also provide JET Programme participants with contact numbers where they can be reached during the evenings, weekends and holidays. JET Programme participants should carry a list of emergency telephone numbers, such as the JET Programme participant’s supervisor, workplace superior, etc. with them at all times.

Registering with your Home Country’s Embassy

JET Programme participants should also register with the Embassy of their home country in Japan. Contact between JET Programme participants and their families may go through the embassy in case of emergencies. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs maintains a list of embassies and consulates in Japan.

If an Emergency Situation Occurs

In the event that an emergency occurs, please call your contracting organisation supervisor immediately. If possible, you should also contact your embassy directly depending on the nature of the situation.

Emergency Contact/Safety Confirmation System Emergency Call

CLAIR has implemented a safety confirmation system which will contact you to confirm your safety in the event that the Japanese Meteorological Agency releases an Emergency Warning or if an earthquake with seismic intensity of upper 5 or greater occurs.

You can access the safety confirmation system here.

A login guide for the safety confirmation system can be found here.
(The password for the above guide can be found in the notice sent out on 11 April 2024.)

Please ask your supervisor for the Emergency Contact/Safety Confirmation System Emergency Call User Guide.


Emergency Pocket Guide for JETs

Japan is prone to many natural disasters. Prepare yourselves for disasters and emergencies by downloading and printing the Pocket Guide below and keep a copy on you at all times.

'Easy to Understand Weather Phenomenon and Natural Disasters' Video Series

The Japan Weather Association (JWA) produces the 'Easy to Understand Weather Phenomenon and Natural Disasters' video series to spread knowledge about and increase awareness of the danger of natural disasters. CLAIR assists JWA by supervising the translation of English subtitles for this series. We encourage JET Programme participants to watch these videos as they are useful for JET Programme participants looking to understand and prepare themselves for the disasters that often occur in Japan.

  1. Setsuko and Typhoon
  2. Setsuko and Snow
  3. Setsuko and Thunderstorm
  4. Setsuko and Earthquakes
  5. Setsuko and Tsunami

Copyright 2015 by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)