Mental Health Support

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Mental Health Support

Mental Health Support
JET Mental Health Counselling Assistance Programme

With the aim of enhancing mental health support for JET Programme participants, CLAIR offers the JET Mental Health Counselling Assistance Programme. This programme provides a partial subsidy (50%, up to ¥30,000 per year) for counselling costs incurred through consultation with mental health professionals in Japan or abroad not covered by health insurance. The coverage period is from 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. For further information, please read the following guidelines and consult your contacting organisation.

≫ JET Mental Health Counselling Assistance Programme Guidelines

JET Online Counselling Service

JET Programme participants are also able to receive professional counselling for free through Web Mail and Skype, as part of the JET Online Counselling Service established by CLAIR. After registering for the service JET Programme participants can communicate with a counsellor without limit when using the Web Mail service and can book up to 7 counselling sessions over skype per year. The useable period is from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. Please ask your contracting organisation or Host Prefecture/Designated City, or check CLAIR News (email edition) for more information.

≫ About the JET Online Counselling Service

≫ JET Online Counselling Service Q&A (*scroll down for English)

Other Sources of Support
TELL (Tokyo English Life Line)

TELL is a non-profit organisation that was created in 1973. It offers free information and anonymous phone counselling at 03-5774-0992. Please check their website to confirm their operating hours in advance.

AJET PSG (AJET Peer Support Group)

National AJET offers a number of services to help support JET Programme participants in their lives in Japan. The AJET Peer Support Group (PSG) is a confidential listening and resource line for JET Programme participants. Staffed by trained volunteers, a member of the PSG is available at night from 20:00 to 07:00, 365 days a year via telephone or Skype. All calls are confidential and callers can remain anonymous. The phone number is 050-5534-5566. You may also contact AJET PSG by Skype at username “AJETPSG” (operating hours same as telephone service).

Copyright 2015 by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)