General Information Handbook

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General Information Handbook

General Information Handbook

The General Information Handbook (GIH) is a comprehensive resource about the JET Programme for JET Programme participants and contracting organisations. This bilingual publication can be accessed via the links below and a physical copy is given to new JET Programme participants when they first arrive in Japan.

All JET Programme participants are expected to read the GIH thoroughly before arriving in Japan, and to use it as a reference during their time on the JET Programme.

You can view/download the newest version of the GIH from this page. Please make sure you always refer to the most recent version of the GIH, since changes and updates to the handbook are made each year.

In addition to general information about understanding your terms and conditions, Status of Residence/Period of Stay, taxes, and insurance, the GIH also contains information that can assist you with your everyday life in Japan.

The GIH is printed in both English and Japanese side-by-side so that JET Programme participants and contracting organisations can use it as a tool to facilitate communication.

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