■ Job Type:CIR(Coordinator for International Relations)
■ Prefecture:Hokkaido ■ Years on Programme:2011-2013
When I was a graduate student majoring in Japanese studies in a southern province of China, my best and practically only choice for career was entering a foreign-invested enterprise. Not that working for big companies is not “fun”, but I have always wondered, could it be more? The JET Programme answered my question.
I have been given the opportunity to come to Niseko Town, Hokkaido Prefecture as a CIR. It is a beautiful town surrounded by mountains and widely known for its world-class ski resorts. I am from a town in the south of China where summers are quite long. The winter lasts six months in Niseko Town, but for me, it feels like a wonderland. Living on my own in a foreign country, I feel lonely from time to time, but my friends and colleagues fill my life with warmth and laughter. Honestly, I have never thought that I could make some truly good friends in my adulthood, especially with people who came from so many different backgrounds and cultures. I work with people from Japan, Australia, America, Korea and Canada, and, together, we share our thoughts regarding cultures, countries, politics, history and even pop music and movies.
The CIR experience has sharpened my language skills and enriched my knowledge. I can see how cultures conflict and merge with each other, and it also allows me to put myself in other people’s positions and see things from their angles. The JET Programme showed me an effective way of international communication. Being a CIR will always be a valuable life experience for me.