■ Job Type:ALT(Assistant Language Teacher) ■ Prefecture:Toyama
■ Years on Programme:2004-2007
Experience: Motivation
The key to the JET Programme’s success is a ‘cycle of motivation’ that exists between ALTs, JTEs (Japanese Teachers of English) and the students. When the teachers bring sincere energy, enthusiasm and amusement into the classroom, the students respond with a happy curiosity and interest (thus further motivating the teachers!). Because of this type of great relationship at my high school, I have discovered that the JET Programme is not ‘the work’ in my daily life, but is rather an experience that is so enjoyable that I wish it need not end every afternoon. If ever I forget this when life in a foreign country inevitably becomes challenging, I am soon reminded of how incredibly lucky I am to be here the moment I step into the classroom for the next team-teaching adventure.