■ Job Type:CIR(Coordinator for International Relations)
■ Prefecture:Shimane ■ Years on Programme:2004-2007
I have been on the JET Programme as a CIR for nearly the past two years, and it has been great! I really respect the goal of cross-cultural communication and understanding that the JET Programme strives to realise. Representing my country in Japan and promoting awareness of Australia and other cultures through the JET Programme is an honour, and a role that is always interesting, challenging at times, but very rewarding.
Through my work I do things like bake cookies with school students, try to convince grandmas and grandpas to come live in Australia, organise a Christmas dinner for over 150 people, and have even appeared in the newspaper and on TV! The JET Programme has taught me a lot about people. Everyday I come into contact with a wide range of people from Japan and around the world, who have broadened my perspective and taught me about myself and others. It has been a valuable life experience.