■ Job Type:CIR(Coordinator for International Relations)
■ Prefecture:Tottori ■ Years on Programme:2000-2003
My experience on the JET Programme was a job, an education, and an adventure all rolled into one. The things I learned and the things I discovered during those three years are innumerable — more than things like language and culture; not just the people I met or the places I saw or the work I did. I would say it is the intangibles that I have benefited from the most: skills, knowledge, experience and understanding that I cannot quite pin down with a label, but are a direct result of my time in Japan.
Not everything was great; I did not always love it, to be sure, but in the end and especially in retrospect, nothing but positives came from my JET experience and I have few memories that are not fond ones. Not to mention, I first met my wife there, who was also participating on the JET programme. All-in-all, not bad for a farm boy from North Carolina!