■ Job Type:ALT(Assistant Language Teacher) ■ Prefecture:Kagawa
■ Years on Programme:2000-2001
Nearly five years have passed since I completed the JET Programme, yet I am still deeply connected to Japan. One of the greatest aspects of the JET Programme is the support offered to returnees. I joined the JET Alumni Association (JETAA) shortly after returning to Seattle, and later served as secretary, vice-president, and president of the Pacific Northwest chapter. As a chapter officer I had the opportunity to assist the Consulate of Japan with JET Programme interviews and orientations, start a Japanese class for alumni, and participate in a taiko drum workshop. In addition to planning local JETAA activities, I had a chance to get involved with the organisation on a national and international level.
Annual JETAA conferences give representatives from fifty chapters around the world an opportunity to exchange ideas. It seems like just yesterday I attended my pre-departure orientation in Seattle, learning conversational Japanese and enkai survival skills from JETAA volunteers. Today I am one of the senpai assisting at orientations. With thousands of former JET participants returning to their countries every year, JETAA continues to grow and evolve. I hope to stay involved with the organisation!