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Banner for the PA Conference


For JET PAs attending a PA Conference for the first time, please review the following materials.

Pre-Conference Materials:

Table of Contents

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Pre-Conference Materials

JET-PAs attending a PA Conference for the first time must review the document below.
Essential Information for New JET-PAs

Important Information

Dress code

The dress code for the conference is business casual. No tie or jacket is required for the conference or the opening ceremony.

Digital Training Materials

This conference is paperless. Please bring your own device and/or notetaking materials. Please be sure to fully charge your tablet or PC in your room before the workshops, and if necessary, bring spare batteries or a portable charger.

As a general rule, material will not be distributed but is available for download on this page in the schedule.

Name Tag

Please refer to your name tag for your networking and applied problem-solving groups.

Individual Consultations

PAs who requested individual consultations have been informed by CLAIR about their appointment time. However, depending on availibility, participants might be able to schedule a consultation on the day of the conference. If you are interested, please speak to a CLAIR staff member on the day.

Emergency Contact List

When calling from the outside

CLAIR Koike-san: 050-xxx-xxxx

CLAIR xxx-san: 050-xxx-xxxx

JIAM Main: 077-578-5931

When calling from the room

CLAIR Office: 3301

JIAM Office: 3206

Venue (JIAM)

Important Information

  • Please carefully read the JIAM Guide (please note this is the 2021 version. Some sections may no longer be relevant.)
  • If you have to skip a session due to health problems, please notify CLAIR staff before the start of the session
  • Please turn off your cell phone or set it to silent mode during lectures.
  • You may bring drinks into the classrooms, but eating is prohibited.
  • You are not allowed to record or take photographs during the sessions. CLAIR staff may take photographs, which will be used in future PR brochure or other material.
  • Smoking is not allowed inside the building. Please use the dedicated smoking area.
  • After the sessions, you are free to go outside, but you must be back into the building before the curfew (23:00). Failure to observe the curfew may be notified to your contracting organisation.
  • Please be mindful of others when using the bathrooms, shower rooms, cafeteria, etc.
  • You can use the package-delivery service (宅配便) from the store in the cafeteria. The store is open during cafeteria hours.

Access information

Open in map application

Schedule (To be edited)

Day 1 (27 May)

Check-in Hall 5B
Opening Ceremony Hall 5B
Current PA Case Study Hall 5B
Speakers: Ehime Prefecture | JET PA: Mia Jia | Non-JET PA: KARIMOTO Shun
In this session current Prefectural Advisors from Ehime prefecture will present about their JET Programme Participant support structure.

Frequently Asked Questions Hall 5B
This presentation covers frequently asked questions about policies and administrative matters from JET Programme participants and contracting organisations.

Networking & Information Exchange Hall 5B
Through this session JET PAs will have the chance to connect with other PAs from across Japan, exchange information about their job responsibilities, and discuss any challenges they are encountering.

Individual Consultations (Registration Required)
PAs who requested individual consultations have been informed by CLAIR about their appointment time. However, depending on availibility, participants might be able to schedule a consultation on the day of the conference. If you are interested, please speak to a CLAIR staff member on the day.

Day 2 (28 May)

Check-in Hall 5B
Opening Remarks Hall 5B
Positive Leadership Hall 5B
Speaker: Mete Yazici
As PAs often find themselves in an advisory position, acting as de-facto leaders, this presentation aims to give PAs insights into bringing the best out of their team, while looking after themselves.

Lunch Break
Participants will be responsible for their own lunch. Although drinks are allowed, TKP Ichigaya has asked that participants refrain from bringing food into the venue.
Active Listening Hall 5B
Speakers: Vickie Skorjie & Jack Shaw from Tokyo English Life Line (TELL)
TELL presents an active listening workshop, equipping PAs with a framework to react and respond appropriately to participant concerns.

Applied Problem Solving Workshop Hall 5B
In this session, PAs will collaborate to tackle example scenarios that reflect common challenges they might encounter in their role. Groups will share their discussions and hear from CLAIR about further possible solutions.

Closing Ceremony & Survey Hall 5B
Please fill out the Survey.

Map of the Venue

1st Floor

Map of the first floor

2nd Floor

Map of the second floor

3rd Floor

Map of the third floor

4th Floor

Map of the fourth floor

Copyright 2015 by the Council of Local Authorities for International Relations (CLAIR)