To commemorate 30 years of international exchange through the JET Programme, over 120 alumni, current JET participants, JETAA chapters, and local government and school officials shared messages on social media in the ‘JET Arigato Campaign’. Participants in the campaign contributed messages acclaiming the JET Programme, thanking friends that they met while on JET, or speaking of the charms of the local regions of Japan where they were placed on JET.
Thanks to this social media campaign, held from May to December of 2016, more and more people around the world had the opportunity to reaffirm the value of the JET Programme and generate excitement for the Programme’s 30th Anniversary events.
Messages were received from JET participants in 39 different prefectures and JET alumni from 15 different countries, and regardless of the participants’ varied backgrounds, almost all spoke of the kindness they received by local government and school officials while on the JET Programme and of the hospitality of the Japanese people. Moreover, messages commending the efforts of JET participants were received from local government and school officials as well, providing an opportunity for the JET community to confirm the programme’s success in promoting grass-roots international exchange.
A portion of the messages received through the JET Arigato Campaign were compiled into short videos and shown at the venue of the JET Programme 30th Anniversary Ceremony.
All messages submitted to the campaign, including those that could not be included in the summary videos, are available on the campaign’s Facebook and Twitter pages.
Thank you to everyone who submitted messages or assisted in publicising the campaign. While the campaign has closed one chapter in its history, CLAIR would like to continue the spirit of the campaign by encouraging people to continue sharing messages on Facebook and Twitter, using the #arigatojet tag, to further promote the achievements of the JET Programme to the world.
Lovely Nobeoka,
The people of this city have taught me a valuable lesson. It’s a lesson of selfless hospitality and generosity. It’s a lesson I may not be able to pay back, but I can pay it forward as I share my stories of Japan for the rest of my life.
Love Always,
Makaya Moore(USA、Former Nobeoka City ALT (Miyazaki))
I want to wish my BOE, that’s the Kikuyo Town Board of Education, a BIG arigato.
Thank you for being patient, encouraging and kind to me, on the days that I’m smiling and the days that I am not smiling.
I still remember everything that you have done for me and there is no way I can repay you.
Joleen Tomlinson(Jamaica、Current Kikyo Town ALT (Kumamoto))
To Alice Paquier
Thank you for your 3 years working as a CIR at Nasushiobara City. Three years was a short time, but you became an essential person in Nasushiobara City, and I believe you will play in active part wherever you go. Thank you!!
From all the staff in Nasushiobara City Hall to Alice Paquier(France、Nasushiobara City CIR (Tochigi))
Dear Jayoung Yun Sensei,
Thank you for teaching us about South Korea. The Korean games you taught us were fun! Thanks to you, I came to love South Korea, and I want to go there when I grow up.
From the 3rd Year Students of Yonago City Hikona Elementary School to Jayoung Yun (South Korea、Yonago City CIR (Tottori))