■ Job Type:ALT(Assistant Language Teacher) ■ Prefecture:Yamagata
■ Years on Programme:2004-2007
When I came to my rural town in Yamagata Prefecture through the JET Programme in July 2004, I thought that the only hat I would ever wear in Japan would be that of an English teacher. I never imagined that I would also become a pastry chef, Santa, an elderly care provider, a magician, a musician, a rice farmer, or a samurai.
Through the kindness of the people of Yamagata, I have got to experience more in my two years of living in Japan than many Japanese people get to experience in a life time. This would have never been possible without the JET Programme.
Living in the Japanese countryside has indeed been challenging at times, but the rewards and friendships I have made here will stay with me forever. If you are ready for something different, I highly suggest the JET Programme