The JET Programme Alumni Association (JETAA) is a self-supporting alumni association which was created in 1989 to strengthen and maintain the bonds of friendship developed between JET Programme participants. The purpose of JETAA is to promote through its activities a broader and deeper understanding between Japan and the countries participating on the JET Programme. JETAA currently has 55 regional chapters located in 19 countries/regions and approximately 23,400 members.
JETAA International, or JETAA-I, comprises of the global community of former JET participants and their JET Alumni Association chapters. JETAA-I aims to support chapters and individual alumni by providing information and services, as well as by serving as a central point of contact for anyone wishing to learn about or engage with alumni.
USJETAA was officially established in 2015 to serve as a national nonprofit umbrella organization working in support of alumni chapters in the United States. It is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, run by a board of directors and a paid Executive Director, and receives funding through grants, contributions, and membership dues. USJETAA works to provide funding and programming assistance to chapters, along with cooperating on alumni outreach and other chapter support services.